Little Red Riding Hood Symbolism: Bargaining with the DevilI don’t remember if I have ever done an interp of the Grimms’ Little Red Riding Hood before. If so, a personal experience has prompted me…Feb 23Feb 23
Healing From the Toxic Patriarchy: Grimms’ The Blue Light, part 4Last installment looked at the humiliation of the feminine principle in toxic patriarchal experience, in reference to the tasks ordered by…Jun 27, 2024Jun 27, 2024
Healing from the Toxic Patriarchy: Symbolism of Grimms’ The Blue Light, part 3I left off with the completion of the soldier’s second task, that of chopping wood for the witch. He is on his way to a more wholistic…Jun 6, 2024Jun 6, 2024
Healing From the Toxic Patriarchy: Symbolism of Grimms’ The Blue Light, part 2We left off at the point where the soldier is taken in by a forest witch; she shows him compassion, the great archetypally feminine healing…Jun 4, 2024Jun 4, 2024
Healing the Wounds of the Patriarchy: Symbolism of Grimms’ The Blue Light, part 1According to Wikipedia, the Grimm brothers’ The Blue Light falls into the category of collected oral tradition featuring a character who…Jun 2, 2024Jun 2, 2024
The Other Man (2008): Redeeming the Soul’s FlowThe soul is here for its own joy.Mar 23, 2023Mar 23, 2023
From Trauma to Wholeness #2This article is a continuation of From Trauma to Wholeness: Brothers Grimm’s Fitcher’s Bird.Oct 30, 2022Oct 30, 2022
From Trauma to Wholeness: Brothers Grimm’s Fitcher’s BirdHere is a version of the story, if you wish to read it: Fitcher’s BirdOct 29, 2022Oct 29, 2022
Life’s Meaning and Hell’s GatesThrough me you pass into the city of woe: Through me you pass into eternal pain: Through me among the people lost for aye.Sep 10, 2022Sep 10, 2022
In Love With Father Sky: Algonquin tale The Rough-Face GirlI ran across this story in an illustrated children’s book: image above obviously. Most reviewers tout it as a Cinderella story, and that’s…Jun 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022